Fiery crocosmia and globe thistles 13 Sept Written By Abigail Macbeth September 2021.‘What are those spiky things coming up?!’. ‘That’ll be those exotic red thingies. You know that we planted two years ago’. Ah, yes it’s all coming back. Crocosmia. Looking fab against the thistles. Acrylic on canvas board. Mini paintings crocosmiaglobe thistle Abigail Macbeth
Fiery crocosmia and globe thistles 13 Sept Written By Abigail Macbeth September 2021.‘What are those spiky things coming up?!’. ‘That’ll be those exotic red thingies. You know that we planted two years ago’. Ah, yes it’s all coming back. Crocosmia. Looking fab against the thistles. Acrylic on canvas board. Mini paintings crocosmiaglobe thistle Abigail Macbeth